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You went where?

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Ramblings about Cooking from a true Youngstown Kid…

My apologies.  I can’t believe it’s been so long since I posted to this Blog but so much has been going on.  The entire Summer just slipped away.

It all started with a trip for Sandi and me to London (UK) to visit Sandi’s son who is stationed there in the Navy.  We were there for two weeks than went on to Monte Carlo to visit Sandi’s BFF for a week.  Then back to London before coming home.  We did all the touristy things, shopped in the open-air Markets, rode the London Eye, toured the Tower of London & Westminster, ate at some of the oldest Pubs and finest restaurants in town.  We even took a river tour on the Themes.  In Monaco, we did the Casino (aka James Bond), toured the Formula 1 Museum, ate at the Hotel de Paris and took a private rickshaw tour of Nice on the French Riviera.

But you’re not here to hear about my travels.  This is all about FOOD.  So let me tell you about the food.  It wasn’t hard to find something to eat in London.  There are almost as many places to eat as there are Black Cabs.  In fact, with such ethic diversity, it was a bit of a problem to locate what I always thought  of as British Cuisine.  You know… Bangers & Mash, Fish & Chips.  That sort of thing.

Let’s start with Fish & Chips at the Portobello Road Gin Distillery.  That’s it, on the right. I can only describe this example as the very best I found in all of London.  And it was disappointing, to say the least.  To think that some poor Atlantic Cod gave its life to be mutilated in this manner is unthinkable (even to this Colonial Barbarian), only to be laid to rest atop a bed of soggy fries (aka Chips) and a glob of something green called Mint Mushy Peas..  I was under whelmed despite the fantastic ambiance of a pub that’s been in business for a very long time.  The other “must have” on a visit was Bangers & Mash, otherwise called Sausages with Mashed Potatoes by the rest of civilization.  This is a traditional English breakfast but not just a few breakfast sausages (ala Bob Evans’).  These were two full sized sausage links, burnt over an open flame till they split open.  Top it all with some bland brown gravy (sauce) to make anyone full to the brim.  No need for lunch. I didn’t need any more to eat for remainder of the day.

All of that being said, I can honestly report that Youngstown Cuisine is, without a doubt, the best in the civilized world.  I suppose it’s all in what your Mom and Grandma cooked but I really feel sorry for all those poor blokes across the pond who think that we don’t know good food here in the colonies.  As for the French…  What can I say?  Pâté de Foie Gras is still just Goose Liver no matter how your spell it!

As promised, I’ve posted more recipes on the website at YoungstownRecipes.com Here are the latest…

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