HomeRecipes Desserts Lemon Dessert

Lemon Dessert

Posted in : Desserts on by : MikeZ

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Lemon Dessert

Cool on a Hot Summer Day or by the Fireplace in Winter, this desert is simple to make and a Joy to eat.
Difficulty: Beginner
Cuisine American
Keyword desserts
Method Oven


  • Medium Mixing Bowl
  • 9 x 13 Glass Casserole Dish
  • Medium SaucePan
  • Electric Hand Mixer



  • 1 cup Flour
  • 1 Tbssp. Sugar
  • 1 Stick Butter
  • 1 cup Chopped Nuts - Walnuts or Pecans

White Filling Layer

  • 1 Lg. Cream Cheese - softened
  • 1 cup Powdered Sugar
  • 1 Lg. Cool Whip - (Not Jumbo)

Lemon Filling Layer

  • 2 boxes Lemon Pie Filling - Prepared pre package instructions

Top Layer

  • 1 Lg. Cool Whip
  • Nuts to sprinkle on top.


  • Preheat Oven to 350°F.


  • Mix Crust ingredients & press into Casserole
  • Bake 15 – 20 Minutes then Allow to Cool.

White Filling Layer

  • Mix ingreients with Electric Mixer and then spread in an even layer on crust being careful to not disturbe the flaky crust.

Lemon Filling Layer

  • Cook Lemon Filling per the package directions then refrigerate until completely cooled. Spread on the above.
  • Chill in Refrigerator for 3 hours minimum.

Top Layer

  • Top with a layer of Cool Whip & sprinkle with Nuts


This takes time to make but is so worth it.  Be careful to allow each layer to cool completely before putting on the next layer.
Make sure everything is COLD before you cut it into squares.
Shared by Mike Zets – Nov. 21, 2021

Copyright © 2021 – 2024 – Mike Zets, Sylvania, Ohio USA – All Rights Reserved


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