3 November, 2021
Posted in : Breakfast, Desserts on by : MikeZ

A Breakfast Feast on Sunday morning for the whole family. Quick and simple to make, these Crepes will vanish as fast as you can make them.Difficulty: Medium
Servings 6
- 10" Non-stick Frying Pan
- Medium Mixing Bowl
- 1 cup Flour
- 2 Eggs
- 1 cup Milk
- 1 tsp Sugar
- 1 Tbsp Butter - melted
- ½ tsp Salt
- Preserves or Marmalade - Mashed Strawberries in season
- Powdered Sugar
- Fruit Syrup
- Whipped Cream
- Combine sifted Flour, Sugar, and Salt in a mixing bowl.
- Add the whole Eggs, one at a time beating well after each.
- Add Milk to thin the batter as needed.
- Beat by hand until smooth.
- Stir in melted Butter.
- Pour 1/2 cup batter into a heated, lightly greased skillet.
- Swirl around skillet to coat bottom of pan.
- When brown on the underside, turn over and brown on the other side.
- Remove from pan. Allow to cool.
- Spread with jam, jelly, preserves, or marmalade.
- Roll & Serve.
- Top with powdered Sugar, Fruit Syrups &/or Whipped Cream, if desired.
This is like making very thin, large pancakes. You’ll need a bit of experience on the first few to get the temp and timing just right. Fruit fillings are your choice but in keeping with tradition, these are never served unfilled.
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